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Venice Airport Car Hire

Pick Up
Via L. Broglio, Snc, Tessera, 30173 (Italy)
Drop Off
Driver Age
Type of Car
Country of Residence

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» » » Venice Airport

Hertz Venice Airport Car Hire

A car hire in Venice can be rented at the airport, is only recommended if you want to visit other cities in Italy from there because the city itself with your many channels and bridges only on foot or by water taxi can be explored.

Because Venice is Snowbeach, the car on the Mainland, for example at Piazzale Roma or Tronchetto, for a fee, must be turned off.

However, it is convenient the rental car turn off in Mestre Venice and then to drive the train into the city. The Santa Lucia train station is connected to the Mainland by a 5 km long bridge.

There are daily boat connections to Slovenia, Croatia and Greece.

The port of Venice, located in the North of Italy, was spread over a total of 118 Islands and offers numerous sights, art and cultural treasures.

To experience intensively and in all your diversity the city, the visitor should spend several days time. A boat ride at dusk or at night is impressive.

Piazza San Marco is at the Center. Here, the Church of St. mark and the Doge's Palace, one of the most famous sights can be visited. In addition to St Mark's Basilica, there are numerous other churches, including the churches of Santa Maria de salute, San Paolo, San Giorgio Maggiore, Santa Maria Gloriosa dei Frari, Santi Giovanni e Paolo and Santo Stefano.

The Rialto Bridge, on the Canale Grande spans, is a world-renowned building. In addition, the Opera House and the theatre can be visited.

In one of the many restaurants, the visitor can enjoy the Venetian cuisine, which offers a wide variety of fish because of its proximity to the sea, in particular.

Customer Feedback

Feedback score (4.2/5)
"Excellent service, spot on."
"Slick service, good car."
"Would recommend due to ease of use."
"Excellent, quick and easy. Good value for Money."
"AirAuto were superb once again. "